Shenzhen Yuhao Static Technology Co. Ltd
86-0755-29970529 / 057986-0755-2784671286-0755-29970449
ESD shoes are
adopting elecrtostatic dissipative material with PU or PVC for sole,make
together with upper and then suture to make it more durable. The shoe is
beautiful and compact, especially the PU shoes with advanced wear ability which
is 5 times than the commom PVC shoes. It is popular with high quality in both domestic
and overseas market.
A:Maintain for ESD shoes:
Attention for using ESD shoes
Be worn on ESD floor
Can not wear with insulate wool socks or insole
Can not adhere with insulate material
Be tested for resistance after using a period (not over 200 hours),then clean or change.
B:Maintain method for ESD shoes
Be cleaned with warm water (below 40°C), using soft brush,can not cleaned in washing machine
Washed with neutral detergent
Rinse fully. dry in the place of well ventilation,shady and cool,avoid sunshine, Baking or desiccant are strictly prohibit.
Be kept for stuck with soft
material (such as newspaper),and put in the dry and cool place.